Headshot of Colton Procacchini



Medical Biology major '24




  • Resident Advisor
  • UNE Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Club Founder and President
  • EMT-B


I chose UNE for many different reasons. One being the absolutely gorgeous campus. From the Saco River, to having our own private beach, to the beautiful landscaping of the campus, UNE is no doubt a gorgeous school. I also chose the school because of when I had my original intentions of majoring in Marine Biology, the school was top ten in the country for that. 幸运的是, when I switched over to pre med, the school also happened to have an excellent pre med program, which further made my decision to commit to UNE be that much better. UNE always just felt like a warm an accepting place to me, and that really made me confident in my decision to come here :)

Favorite class

My favorite class taken here was probably either Anatomy and Physiology or Pathophysiology. Being a pre-med major I truly find that kind of stuff fascinating. So for it to all be condensed into a class that allows me to spot, 诊断, and treat a condition, that is everything I wanted.

Go-to local place to eat

I would have to say the Clam Shack in Kennebunkport is my favorite. Although they are expensive, the lobster rolls there always hold a special place in my heart.